09 Feb GroundZero:F2
Ground Zero and GrasshopperInc have teamed up to bring GZ:F2 to the Heart of our capital. Visit us at our store hours 11am -9pm Monday through Saturday. GZF2 will be the exclusive distributor for Fokai’s Identity in Training Equipment and Paraphernalia and Combat SPrts related designs as well as another Official outlet for Purebred/YamatoDamashii, AbsoBrand,Reversal, Inspirit,Warrior, TrenchTech andSpike22Apparel. This is also another office for Fokai’s extended venture as a mass media service for everything Fokai available at www.fokai.tv.
Be on the lookout for a revised Multimedia page for a better glimpse into the Heartbeat of the Southern Pacific’s Authority in Performance Driven and Community-Motivated apparel.
Thanks for your support.
Protecting and Serving, Sinceeversince.