Special Forces

From: Guampedia The ancient CHamorus who were skilled at canoe building and navigation were called agad’na. Early European accounts regularly marveled at these CHamoru vessels, William Dampier, saying in 1681 for instance that: One cannot stop talking about their great velocity, craftsmanship and lightness, because in the whole universe I do not believe there is a thing equal to them in nimbleness and swiftness. Another visitor, Woodes Rogers in 1711, said: The Governor presented us...

Guampedia.com March 2021 Newsletter CHamoru oral histories are a powerful tool in the interpretation of our sainas (elders), finaloffan (past) and hinanau (a journey). For more than five decades, I have emphasized using Finu’håya (CHamoru language) in understanding and learning of the CHamoru finaloffan and hinanau. There is no alternative since our saina did not write their past. In CHamoru, there is a very powerful proverb, Ti Mamaigu’ Si Yu’us (God does not sleep!). In learning and understanding CHamoru history, I...

The Spanish training ship “Juan Sebastián Elcano” arrives at the Umatac Bay of the island of Guam, thus commemorating the 500 th anniversary of the arrival of the Spaniards in these islands called as a whole Las Marianas, located in the area of Micronesia (Pacific ocean). It was on March 6, 1521, after four months without stepping on land, that two Spanish ships arrived there. Curiously,...

Guma' Mahiga and Acho Marianas Chamorro Slinging Demonstration Umatac Bay. 500 Years Fr: Guam PDN Representatives from Guma' Mahiga and Acho Marianas have gathered to prepare for an upcoming slingstone demonstration in honor of the CHamoru people and culture that encountered Ferdinand Magellan during his arrival to Guam, at Umatac Bay, Feb. 28, 2021. The cultural groups plan to hold their demonstration for the Spanish Navy tall...

A History of Guam. By Lawrence J. Cunningham, Janice J. Beaty The First Battle. September 11, 1671. The attack came on September 11, 1671. Thirty Spanish and Filipino soldiers stood behind the walls. They fired guns called arquebuses. They also shot crossbows. Two thousand Chamorros surrounded them. Some men rushed toward the stockade. The soldiers drove them back. They shot musket balls and arrows. Pale San Vitores went...

Shortly after a performance at the Tir de Fona Internacionale, members of Acho Marianas Guam engage in The University of Guam's HITA TALKS  with Carlos Madrid of the Micronesian Area Research Center for a conversation through the past, present, and future of Guam Slinging and its role int he 500 year anniversary and commemoration of Guams first Encounter with European explorers in 1521. ...

[caption id="attachment_8910" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Chamorro Slinging[/caption] The sling and sling stone have been a part of Chamorro History between 1500 years to 3500 years depending on who you talk to. As a citizen under the only national flag of the world with a sling stone--I've been fascinated with slinging for a really long time now. But like most other locals, was happy enough putting it on...

Guelo Slinging Tutorial Capitol F (Acho Atupak) // The Fokai Shop Agana. How to use a Chamorro sling also known as Acho Atupak. [caption id="attachment_9061" align="alignnone" width="300"] How to use a sling // fokai // acho atupak[/caption]  ...