12 Nov “F”isForFedor:Amen
“If these guys in the UFC truly wanted to fight Fedor, they’d find a way. Come to his training camp. Come to Stary Oskol, and we’ll do three, five-minute rounds in the ring or the cage. We’ll do it for fun. If you really want to fight him for competition, and it’s not about the money for the guys in the UFC, then tell Brock Lesnar to jump his ass on a plane, take a train, and come to Stary Oskol. If these guys really want to fight Fedor, then come to Stary Oskol and lets get it on there for no money. [Emelianenko] loves fighting. He loves the competition of it, and he’ll fight any comers. Fedor’s not afraid to fight anybody… I get so sick of hearing, ‘Oh, he’s afraid. That’s the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever heard. [Emelianenko] is an athlete. He’s not afraid of somebody beating him up. He gets punched in the face all the time. What would he be afraid of? Losing? He’s not afraid to lose. He’s at peace with losing. That’s all bull… Dana will talk his trash. Brock Lesnar, Frank Mir, they’re all trying to goad him. But honestly, [Emelianenko] doesn’t listen to any of it. It doesn’t affect him. He just does what he does, and if you want to fight him, come on. He’ll fight you. Bring it.”
-M-1 Executive Jerry Millen on mmajunkie.com radio