16 Sep check our youtube link for Walk Updates
Hafa dai don’t have access to a full om computer so video updates are available on you tubelink on the right columnm wanted to do some write-ups but destiny has it that
Ingers and touch screen keypads on cellphones slow things down tremendously. to make segments of a pretty long stry short… For the most part.the walk has been pretty dfficult but at least ten times as amazing. lots of temples.meeting lots o
Of adventurers with some pretty cool stories.and awhole lot of self reflection. 1008 has been cming around impressively. As difficult as the trip is nd will be. more than happy to have the angels coseby etty amazing to see the impact of Ensons Yamato Damashii campaign have been on pere. in Japans current difficult times,th lreally use it now.the frther we walk,the more impressive Japan becomein t diversity, its attention to detail, and its roots in Spirituality. thank God for the kindness of people. that is. large prt of what is bout.