10:11 /
15.N/145.ETheGoldenToken Takes the 1st of 2cracks at giving thegoldentoken a place to rest at the Front of the EyeOfTheMarianaIslands...
Thegoldentoken is a symbol of gratitude and a sincere act not to place anyone above anyone else but to extend an extra note in the goodvibration that is defined as FokaiIndustries. It is the intention to build a path to the light and perspective that emphasizes giving before taking. and a bridge to the voodoo that makes PlanetFokai go round. it is offered in confidence that the...
LuckyCharms and Voodoo Magic after a hard climb and atop Ireland's Highest Mountain...
Hafa Adai and Yoroshiku from the FokaiFamiliaAndYamatoDamashiiIchizoku...