
Sometimes getting totally lost is the best way to find yourself and sometimes going into seclusion is the best way to discover that youre really not alone. In a solo journey on foot of  870miles in , In about his 200th mile, Enson was gracious enough to drop a line after yesterday.  He's doing great.Having a powerful experience. 14days of hiking 14hours a day.sleeping outdoors and...

SpecialThanks to Mano for dropping off some very fine threads--courtesy of Japan's ever-developing super quality of street fashion and product development. Thanks Man for the good vibes. sinceeversince...

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Toshikazu and Eri Isseno for their weddding on May 24th, 2010. the decision to Christen your relationship has expanded the Fokai/Bonds Family and Experience.It Truly Is A Family Thing. Welcome to Paradise 13N/144.e. So not just a sincere congratulations on the Bond you made for life--but a sincere congratulations for the step forward youve made in living. A special welcome to...

Taguchi 1stRound 2min.37sec. KO Chokugeki: 1stRound :25sec.KO FokaiJapan's Taguchi and Chokugeki bring home 2 first round Knockout victories from SundayMay9ths Professional Shooto in Japan. Congratulations from the FokaiWorldFamily FOKAIJAPAN :TEL 048-652-6128 ...

The Established Photographer of the YamatoDamashi Ichizoku and Fokai Familia in the LandOfTheRisingSun!/hodyjaehuh

Borrowed from   Enson Inoue: The Freedom to Fight, Risk Life in Ring 4/20/2010 1:45 PM ET By Ray Hui Ray Hui's Editor After a six-year absence, Japanese MMA staple Enson Inoue will return to the ring this Saturday, April 25 at ASTRA in support of Hidehiko Yoshida's farewell in Tokyo, Japan. Inoue, who recently turned 43, spoke to about growing older, his prison sentence and bringing his never-say-die...