
In 2024, Fokai Japan proudly marks its 20th anniversary—a significant milestone that reflects two decades of dedication to martial arts, cultural exchange, and the unbreakable bond between Guam and Japan. This journey, characterized by shared experiences and mutual respect, has been instrumental in fostering a unique community that thrives on the principles of perseverance and unity. The Genesis of Fokai Japan The inception of Fokai Japan can...

In 2024, Fokai Japan proudly marks its 20th anniversary—a significant milestone that reflects two decades of dedication to martial arts, cultural exchange, and the unbreakable bond between Guam and Japan. This journey, characterized by shared experiences and mutual respect, has been instrumental in fostering a unique community that thrives on the principles of perseverance, integrity, and unity. The Birth of Fokai Japan Fokai, a brand and lifestyle...

via:Enson Inoue Conditions for ENSON's walk across Japan After careful thought I've decided on strict conditions for my walk across the whole country of Japan. After all the walk is for the people in North Japan that are still struggling everyday, so I decided that I would use whatever I could in the walk to benefit the people. First of all, there are 3 things that inspired this...

  Enson Inoue’s New Fight: Helping the Displaced of Northern Japan By Tommy Hackett on July 17, 2013 Enson Inoue is known for a fighting spirit which carried him in epic battles against the likes of Frank Shamrock, Randy Couture, and Igor Vovchanchyn during the heyday of Japanese MMA. Born and raised in Hawaii, Inoue first came to Japan in his early 20’s, where he began an unlikely MMA...

[caption id="attachment_7692" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Follow Fokai on"]#mce_temp_url#[/caption] Heres the new Fokai song. This is the 6th fokai song written and performed in Japan and its translation. FOKAI MUSIC(2012) What we produce(Clothing) is what we are Nothing different from the sun burning Fokai is my life Nobody knows what will happen So why don't we just try our best Even if we all collapse we will still stand That's how Fokai gets strong Born and...

It's been 366 days since last years fatal and fatelful March 11th tsunami. From the heart---prayers loss of the it's victims and prayers for Japan's Ressurection from this tragedy. Let's go Japan...