BJJ Stuff

Paying homage and respect to a man who walked in the life of true spirit and trustfully now flies in the spirit of true life. You presented a great example for GuamJiujitsu, In your case truly AFamily Thing. Our best regards to the Universe's greatest instructor. Catch you on the other side. Thanks Chris for all your support and a sincere applause for a short yet well-filled...

Hi Rome, This is what Fokai and Yamatodamashii mean to me: In a broad sense, Fokai and Yamatodamashii signify the philosophy of "giving it your all" or using everything you have to accomplish your goals. In today's world, many of us are faced with almost limitless options, but we only have limited resources to apply to those options and opportunities. Because of...

FokaiIndustries and Purebred/lloydIrvin Guam are more than honored to welcome BrazilianJiujitsu multiple champion Claudio"Juninho"Calassans of ATOSJiujitsu to the island of Guam. He has conducted classes for teh week of November 28th-December3rd...

Senator James Espaldon arrives at thePurebredAcademy to offer props to the competitors for another landmark achievement in the 2010AsianOpenJiujitsuChampionships on September 11th of this year in Tokyo Japan...

As previously reported by, brothers Rafael and Guilherme Mendes took off for Japan, where the Rickson Cup took place this Saturday. The duo comments on how things went in Kawasaki: “We just got back from the championship, it was great! The organization was first rate and thank God everything went well, according to plan!” recounts Rafael, with Guilherme filling in: “Rafael scored...