Author: webmaster

Right outside the front doors of  Capitol F , in  Agana, thousands participate in the annual  procession celebrating the miracle and catholic traditon  of  Saint Marian Kamalen on Guam. The Captain was there to give the official, "Ya Bro" for the event....

Originally scheduled to be opened on December 12thFokaiFemme will be opening at 12pm on December 14th. New YOuth tees, womens tees and an assortment of womens accessories will be made available. Apologies for all the delays. needing time for the paint fumes and woodstain fragrances to subside. FokaiFemmeOfficialRelaunch will be scheduled for a later date in early 2010. Rock and Roll---You'reSexy....

FokaiPaintball gives back in gathering toys for Guam Memorial Hospital Pediatrics. It is amnazing how, in the hustle or boredom of everyday life, we can forget those less fortunate. Thank God for those who remember. more than proud. actually humble to stand behind such a collectivity of GoodIntention. Give and Ye Shall receive. FokaiPaintballRise. ...