Honoring Heritage: Roman Dela Cruz and the Art of Slinging at FESTPAC 2024

Honoring Heritage: Roman Dela Cruz and the Art of Slinging at FESTPAC 2024

Honoring Heritage: Roman Dela Cruz and the Art of Slinging at FESTPAC 2024

Amidst the verdant hills and the deep, vibrant culture of Guam, a practice centuries old is being revived and celebrated with passion and dedication. Roman Dela Cruz, a prominent figure in the indigenous Chamorro community and a co-owner of Fokai Industries, stands at the forefront of this cultural resurgence. As the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPAC) approaches, Dela Cruz prepares to represent Guam, not just as a participant, but as a carrier of his ancestors’ legacy in the art of stone slinging.

This year’s FestPAC, themed “Ho‘oulu Lāhui: Regenerating Oceania,” aims to regenerate and honor the diverse cultures of the Pacific, creating a fertile ground for cultural exchange and understanding. It is in this spirit that Dela Cruz, the sole representative of the slinging delegation from Guam, will travel to Hawai’i from June 6–16, 2024, carrying with him not just sling stones, but the weight of his culture’s history and pride.

“More than any other Pacific island, the recovery and study of sling stones in Guam have been immense,” Dela Cruz explains, his voice a blend of enthusiasm and reverence. “Tens of thousands of these artifacts have been discovered, each telling its own story of the craftsmanship and strategic thinking of our ancestors.”

The practice of stone slinging, known for its military and hunting applications, has seen a revival in Guam as a competitive sport and a profound cultural symbol. This revival is deeply rooted in the island’s history, where sling stones are not mere remnants of the past but are echoes of the Chamorro people’s resilience and ingenuity.

“We are shaping sling stones ourselves, using ancient artifacts as guides to rediscover the methods of our forebears,” Dela Cruz continues. “This isn’t just about recreating the physical objects. It’s about understanding the intent, the skill, and the deep cultural significance behind each stone.”

The cultural significance of the sling stone is so profound that Guam has the only flag in the world to feature a sling stone, representing more than 70 cultures worldwide that practiced slinging indigenously. This emblem serves as a testament to the uniqueness of Chamorro heritage and its enduring presence in the Pacific tapestry.

Dela Cruz’s participation in FestPAC is more than a showcase of skill; it’s a mission to connect with other Pacific cultures, to share stories and methods, and perhaps to build a larger narrative together. “We hope to explore, to connect, and to tell our story as part of the larger story of Oceania,” he states, hinting at the potential discoveries and collaborations that await at the festival.

As FestPAC 2024 draws near, the people of Guam and the Mariana Islands look forward to watching one of their own shine on this prestigious international stage. Dela Cruz’s journey is not merely about competition; it is a heartfelt tribute to his roots, a celebration of Chamorro culture, and a moment of cultural pride that will resonate across the Pacific and beyond.

Stay tuned to Fokai.tv for more updates on Roman Dela Cruz’s journey to FestPAC 2024 and for continuing coverage of how Guam’s rich heritage is making waves across the world.