Not too long ago, while I was at the Yellow Brick Road, I encountered a determined elderly lady with a remarkable story. As we chatted, she revealed that her father, Vicente Untalan Diaz, and his brother, Fernando Untalan Diaz, were the original builders of the Peace Memorial Park in Yigo, now known as the South Pacific Memorial Park. Despite their significant contribution, these men have...

Guam’s Proud Participation in FESTPAC: Celebrating Culture, Unity, and Tradition The Festival of Pacific Arts (FESTPAC) is a beacon of cultural pride, an event that brings together the rich and diverse traditions of the Pacific islands. The last FESTPAC, held in Hawaii, was a particularly special occasion for Guam and the Mariana Islands. This vibrant gathering allowed us to showcase our unique heritage, celebrate our shared...

As the warm GUAHAN breeze sweeps through Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park at Ypao Beach, the 36th annual Guam Micronesia Island Fair (GMIF) gears up to present "Regenerating Micronesia" on June 1-2, 2024. This year, the fair promises more than a showcase of Micronesia’s rich cultural tapestry; it also heralds a special focus on the traditional and evolving practice of slinging. At the heart of this...

In the lush landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of the Mariana Islands, a timeless practice is experiencing a passionate revival. Roman Dela Cruz, a key figure in the indigenous Chamorro community and co-owner of Fokai Industries, is leading this resurgence. As the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPAC) approaches, Dela Cruz is set to represent Guam, carrying forward the legacy of his ancestors through...

The word "fokai" encapsulates a fascinating journey through the Chamorro language, reflecting significant cultural shifts and evolving meanings over time. This exploration is enriched by the insights of Pale Eric Forbes, a renowned historian and religious figure deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of Guam. Forbes' analysis sheds light on the dynamic nature of language and how it can capture the essence of a community's...

Honoring Heritage: Roman Dela Cruz and the Art of Slinging at FESTPAC 2024 Amidst the verdant hills and the deep, vibrant culture of Guam, a practice centuries old is being revived and celebrated with passion and dedication. Roman Dela Cruz, a prominent figure in the indigenous Chamorro community and a co-owner of Fokai Industries, stands at the forefront of this cultural resurgence. As the Festival of...

Fokai FSHARP | Good Vibrations. Resonate. All throughout history from stories of the famous and fabled Atlantis to the Great Pyramid of Giza, and with places ancient civilizations in between, FSharp has been noted as a frequency and vibration that would send positive and productive energy throughout the land and to the cosmos. Cultivating elements of the oldest island chain of the Pacific. F Sharp is the...

Slinging basics lesson and Some wordsin for the past, presnet, and future of Guam slinging and its conection to the 500th year anniversary commemoration of Pacific Islad mass contact with European Explorers...

[caption id="attachment_7780" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Captain Fokai Grotto Saipan[/caption] Years ago starting Fokai Industries sent a loud and mixed vibe through the community. Friends and family knew what we were aiming to create ambitious clothing company looking to give Guam quality representation abroad but most people focused on our practice of  (what was at the time ) real  fight-training. this led to the misconception that fokai was...