02 Mar CaptainFokai:
For those who might be curious,even for those who aren’t–we just wanted to share with you the reason we chose Captain Fokai as our mascott…
Captain Fokai has never been any single person–it’s actually the imperfect symbol and personification of the fokai spirit that exists in everyone. that is why teh Captain lives behind a mask.and yes–in many ways..he is aspiring to be a super hero.
TheCaptain Fokai360Collection is an ongoing project that has been going on for the past 4years–since the birth of the CaptainFokai mascott–it’s a master compilation gathered from different representatives around the world to bring everyone into our experiences in travel and at home, in victory and defeat, in living and learning.
It is a standing invitation to encourage folks to explore and pursue opportunities outside of the box–as well as to help us get a better perspective of whats personally current..hopefully to help pave the way for our better future captured by the undying pursuit of self-improvement and life celebration.