FokaiAsia:A MessageFrom PROFighting

FokaiAsia:A MessageFrom PROFighting

Royal Chiou sent a message to the members of PRO Fighting (MMA).

Subject: June 14th---Awakening

Thank you to everyone who attended PRO Fighting's 1st event!!!

It was an incredible experience from the productions & promotions side.  Definitely, very hectic and stressful at times.
Hopefully, everyone was able to enjoy the show or at least certain aspects of the show.  The feedback so far has been fantastic!!!  I am aware some things were not perfect, which only leaves room for growth and improvement.

Thanks to all my closest friends for their support and help, during & throughout all the chaos.  Without them, this event wouldn't have been possible.

PRO Fighting will be back at the grindstone in the next few weeks, preparing the line-up & festivities for the next event.
Believe it, that the next event will run smoother & have less hiccups than the first.  Things WILL only get better from here on out.

I have already begun to contact my overseas supporters and we are looking for strong MMA talents to come show Taiwan what MMA is all about.  

My goal in this journey is to grow the sport of MMA in Taiwan, & then hopefully one day, other parts of the Asian region.  By bringing in more and more top talents to be showcased in these events, our local fighters will improve & be more motivated to train harder to be the best!!  Also, in doing so, perhaps more people will be inspired to become Mixed Martial Artists.  Awareness & building a strong base from the ground up is key.

With the event hosting in our hands, & the support base in yours, I believe that this goal to grow MMA in Taiwan is entirely achievable.  It's only a matter of time.

In the end, thanks again to everyone for making this all possible.  PRO Fighting is shooting for another event in Fall.  So stayed tuned.

Meanwhile, tell your friends, spread the word, that there's going to be another great event in the coming months, & it's definitely a CAN'T miss show!!!

Please refer others to join our facebook group, PRO Fighting MMA.  Our website is currently under construction, we will notify everyone when it's up and running.

Pictures and videos will be posted very soon!!!

